How to build a Fuzzy/Partial Contains function?

Yes. The custom fuzzy logic function will return a positive result to the confidence level you set between 0 and 1 (0.8 in your case). I have used it exactly as shown in the forum post I linked and it worked a treat.

The only amendment you may have to make is that you want to use a substring so I don’t know how that impacts the calculation of comparison to the confidence level. That is where is gets very complex and I would say you would not find a way to adapt the excel code I linked to accommodate it.

For me, Python would be the way to go here if the substring fuzzy logic is needed. There are packages which do this for you in a few lines of code:

And UiPath integrates nicely with Python. You could write a simple program to take the string variable and the substring (with mistakes) to match. It would output the confidence % back to UiPath and you could work from there.

I will try and get a workflow to show you this if I can get time as its an interesting one.