Hello! I am new to Ui Path and have never written my own workflow. I am hoping you can help guide me on the adventure with brief but clear instruction. I would like to surprise my girlfriend who has a pretty tedious task emailing each day.
- She receives an automated email every time someone books an appointment with her. This email is the same every time and includes key fields such as customer email address, customer name, and appointment date.
- She extracts the key fields from #1 for each customer booking and uses a template she has drafted in her iPhone notes for the body of her email. She adds four PDF attachments to each customer email, and replaces the key fields in the body of the template, and lastly uses the customer email to place in the “to” section of email.
- Then she sends. It’s a very manual process. I would like to automate this to scan through her emails every morning for new automated email notifications from Step 1, acknowledge which notification emails are new and pull the key fields from each. Then once it has all the new customer booking details, write separate email messages to each customer.
I am using Studio X. I will be using gmail for email. Could you please help me understand the steps and tools to leverage? Thank you!