How to authenticate orchestrator api using windows credentials

To summarize my findings above

There are two methods to authenticate a user whether that is via the Web Console or API.

  1. Local User (User is created locally in Orchestrator)
  2. Domain User (User record is created locally in Orchestrator with a reference to the domain)

Local User
When using a local user credential, the user can log in using the Orchestrator web console login form.


These same credentials can be used to access the API assuming the user has the right roles and permissions to request the specific endpoints. In order to do so, you must first authenticate your user and receive a Bearer Token in return which will be used on your subsequent API requests

  1. Authenticate against by POST to /api/Account/Authenticate
    Headers: Content-Type application/json, Accept: application/json
    The body at a minimum should have the following JSON payload

     "usernameOrEmailAddress": "randomuser",
     "password": "randompassword"

    The response will include a Bearer Token noted in the result key. It will be much longer

      "result": "0c_L7-baK_afadsfasdfasdfadfuzjIWsTT1L1PoIkH..........PcNWqITasdfasdfadfasdfCg",
      "targetUrl": null,
      "success": true,
      "error": null,
      "unAuthorizedRequest": false,
      "__abp": true
  2. Make another API request such as for the list of Machines /odata/Machines
    Headers: Content-Type: application/json, Accept: application/json, Authorization: Bearer 0c_L7-baK_afadsfasdfasdfadfuzjIWsTT1L1PoIkH..........PcNWqITasdfasdfadfasdfCg

    Note that the Authorization header’s value is prefixed with Bearer followed by the token provided in the authorization result

    Body sample



        "@odata.context": "https://.../odata/$metadata#Machines/$entity",
        "LicenseKey": "5adsf-8232-456b-915f-345ab34785c9",
        "Type": "Standard",
        "NonProductionSlots": 0,
        "UnattendedSlots": 0,
        "Id": 49,
        "RobotVersions": []

Domain User
When authenticating as a domain user on the web console (If auto-login is not enabled) the user would click the Windows icon below the login form.


When authenticating with NTLM this is configured by default in IIS as one of the Authentication Providers for the UiPath Orchestrator site.


For authenticating with the API, you do not need to do Step 1 as indicated with the Local user. Instead, when querying an endpoint instead of providing a Bearer Token in your Authentication header you provide an NTLM token.

Authorization: NTLM wfiyauerfpoauyif;asdyfapw8yefpawf

This is why when accessing/testing the API through the Swagger UI, you do not need to authenticate yourself.

In addition, as I noted in one of my earlier posts, you can set a local password on a domain user, but keep in mind that these are two separate passwords (One local to Orchestrator and one for the Domain user) for the same user record in Orchestrator.

In summary, I do find it a bit misleading and the documentation could be clearer as well as it could be simplified by allowing domain users to enter their domain credential into the login form/authorization endpoint, as I would expect with many other services out there.