How to assign row.item for a line with quotations

Hi Experts,

How would I assign a row.item with a line with quotations. In my case, I am trying to assign a row.item to “Record (Group Share Path/Mapping, Physical Record, Phone Number, Website Address)”, and this INCLUDES the quotations at the beginning and end.



How would I use an assign with a row.item for this?

Also another thing i forgot to mention, this statement is on two lines and there is a space in front of the second line, like this

(Group Share Path/Mapping, Physical Record, Phone Number, Website Address)”

Here we would suggest

use column index or
rename column name for a more easy to handle col name like


use the corresponding index of the column instead of 1

I cant change the column name, is there any way i can assign a row.item for that statement.


My Business Users want to keep it that same exact name, I cant change it

if internally the bot handle it alternate it will not affect. However if this is a fixed constraint you can do following
Use ColumnIndex
Check the internal representation of the line break by (e.g. within a LogMessage)

so we get some more details on it (eg \r or \n is used for the line break)

or assign it to a string variable and use this for access

Ok so i used a write line and I got this. How would I make a row.item for a cell with 2 lines like this. There is also one space before the (Group Share Path/Mapping, Physical Record, Phone Number, Website Address).


@Pranav_KomandurPK - I guess this is the same subject/topic discussed …Please check this post

give a try on

String.Format("Record{0}(Group Share Path/Mapping, Physical Record, Phone Number, Website Address)",vbLf)

Or when with space After line break

String.Format("Record{0} (Group Share Path/Mapping, Physical Record, Phone Number, Website Address)",vbLf)

or when with surrounding “”

String.Format("""Record{0} (Group Share Path/Mapping, Physical Record, Phone Number, Website Address)""",vbLf)