i am trying to filter on excel sheet.in which i have Clint data. eg name, address,age ,email…i want to filter data by name column and then take screen shoot… how can i filter this with each Clint name?
I believe,this could be done using filter data table
arr_names=datatablevar.asenumerable.select(function(x) x(“name”).tostring).toarray
you can use for each activity to loop through that array and do what ever steps you need
Use this Linq Query
(From row In DT
Where row(“Column name”).ToString.Trim = “Name”
Select row).CopyToDataTable
Welcome to the community
may I know why do you need a screenshot?
on excel it is not good to take screenshot…instead you can use filter excel activity to do your filters…then use save excel as pdf to save it as pdf and then in pdf activities we have save pdf as image…which can be used in converting pdf to image and save as needed
This way everything is done in a cleaner fashion
Find the zip folder with the expected output screenshots in the newfolder.
Change the excel path and column name in the filter activity
BlankProcess4.zip (619.8 KB)
Hope it helps!!
thank you so…much…you gave exact solution.
Welcome and If you find solution please mark it as solution that can help for others
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