How to apply color to a specified cell


I want to apply color to a specified excel cell where it matches my criteria as if cell contains “ABCD” then mark as red color else blue color. I am facing issue for getting cell index.
ex: I am taking column B in that for suppose row 8th is having my required “ABCD” value so i should get the B8 index value and mark that in red color.


Hi @mani93

You can read this article for your reference.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


Thank You

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No Worries @mani93

Happy to help here :smiley:

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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Invoke a vbnet code to change the cell color like below
e.g. DataGridView1.Item(columnindex, rowindex).Style.BackColor = Color.Red

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