How to append range with an uknown amount of rows?

Hello everyone. I’m very new to StudioX. I’m trying to copy data from 3 different sheets in an excel file- let’s call it File1. These sheets have an unknown amount of rows as they may change depending on the data. I would like to copy the data from each sheet from only columns A to N until the last row with values. And then append the data on a separate file (File 2) on an existing sheet. The sheet in File 2 already contains data, so I would like to append the extracted data from the 3 sheets in File 1 to the last row+1 on File 2. Is this possible using only the Append Range activity. Is there an easy way to do this for someone with limited experience of studioX?

Thank you very much


AppendRange will work. How about the following sample?

Sample (58.3 KB)
