How to alter the order of actions within a sequence...?

Hello dears,

I consult them, since I cannot find something related in the forum. In a sequence, I need to change the execution order of the actions based on a result, what I need is to alter the linear order of the execution and go to subsequent steps when an error occurs, the error capture is done with trycach, but I don’t know what action I should use to call another action within the sequence. I appreciate your comments.

Welcome Julio to the forum,
One possible solution would be to use a switch activity to create different case sequences. your Try catches could then assign the case variable.
Or in the try catch you could build the sequence to use for that error, a try catch can use different sequences depending on the error that was caught.
Or you can use If Then activities determine if the activity is skipped or activated in a series of activities. Once you create an activity it can be copied and pasted into multiple locations in one or more sequences.
There is also a Parallel activity that can be used to define multiple sequences that can be run at the same time, again with If Then sequences to determine if one or more are to be activated.

I hope this was helpful and not stating the obvious for you.

Hi @Julio

To call another action within the sequence, you can use the Throw activity with an exception.

  • Drag and drop a Throw activity within the Catch block.
  • Configure the Throw activity to raise an exception of your choice. For example, you can use a new System.Exception or a custom exception.
  • When the Throw activity is executed, it will exit the Catch block and continue with the subsequent actions in the workflow.
