How to address the requirement for admin privileges in UiPath Assistant

Is there a way to update the settings on UiPath Assistant without Admin privileges? I am trying to change the Orchestrator settings on the Assistant, but it's saying i need admin rights. I can't change the machine key or Orchestrator URL in the Assistant, because the fields are grayed out. Need admin rights to change my Orchestrator connection in the Assistant settings.

In controlled environments, it is possible that the connection to UiPath Orchestrator is managed by a system administrator. Therefore, the options to change the connection settings to Orchestrator may be grayed out to non-admin users of UiPath Assistant.


In order to to fix this, there are two approaches:
1. Have the UiPath Robot software be installed in user mode (but this will only make it available for attended automations)
2. Have the UiPath Robot be installed by the same user ID that will use the software (regardless if the installation is for an attended or unattended robot)

Note: At the moment of publishing this article, the latest official version of the product is 24.10 and the information applies to all supported versions of the product, as per the Product Lifecycle.