How to added "ML Skills" menu in my Orchestrator?

Which type of user can get the “My Skills” menu in his orchestrator platform?

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i didnt get this buddy…is that right menu spelled
Cheers @ARahman


There is no option called My Skills in Orchestrator.

Could you please tell more details for better understanding.

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@lakshman, Please check this below screen…

What is the “ML Skills” menu in orchestrator?


No idea on this. I can’t see ML Skills in my Orchestrator ?

Have you configured any thing extra ?

No actually, today i was attended the Webinar and see this screen. But i’m confused about this menu.

This requires an additional licence it seems . i was doing some r&d and got to know it requires some cloud licence for it to be visible.


Hi @ARahman ,
first request for enterprise trial version
in Go to services → click on edit service-> other servcies and then select AI fabric select Ai robot click on save.
you should now be able to see ML Skills in orchestrator.


Hi @Krutika_Kotkar,
I didn’t have any licences of “ML Skills” in my orchestrator platform , please help me to get that skills

Hello ML SKill is currently not available for Community Plan. Request an Enterprise Trial.


Thanks @JIHUN :slightly_smiling_face:

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the simplest and most reliable way is to use AI Fabric to easily deploy your ML model and make it accessible to your Robots through ML Skill activity. If you don’t have AI Fabric licenses today, your company can subscribe to the Cloud Enterprise trial here: 2 AI Robots (AI Fabric licenses) come with this trial. So you’ll be able to test it out. If you’re using community, AI Fabric is not yet accessible but we are working on it.

You can get more solution from this page:

Hi All,

I wanted to learn AI Fabric but it am currently using Community Edition.

If I request for the Enterprise trial, will i be able to continue using my community version after it expires?

Do you know if there any plans to provide AI Robot licence to community version also?:

You can request a trial for AIFabric which will last for 60 days. After 60 days you can move back to your community version.