How to Add Triggers with Cron expression

Hi. I want to add a trigger on orchestrator like that

Start 13.00
Start 15.00
Start 17.00

How can I do that ?

While setting schedule under trigger
we got an option called ADVANCED

where we can mention the cron expression like this three different

0 0 13 ? * * *

0 0 15 ? * * *

0 0 17 ? * * *

or together

0 0 13,15,17 ? * * *

At second :00, at minute :00, at 13pm, 15pm and 17pm, of every day

Cheers @sufyant

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if I want to add all the time in a single trigger, is it enough to write it?

0 0 13,15,17 ? * * *

yah that would trigger like
At second :00, at minute :00, at 13pm, 15pm and 17pm, of every day

Cheers @sufyant

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so 13.00,15.00,17.00 right ?

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yah it should be mentioned like this

0 0 13,15,17 ? * * *

where first 0 is for seconds, second zero is for minutes and 13,15,17 mentions the hours in 24 hr format and ? is day of month

Cheerss @sufyant

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Thank you buddy

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