How to add process to current project at StudioX?

I’m trying to separate processes by the roles to isolate changes impacts to entire bot operations.
I can understand arguments can pass the values between processes
but when I test, arguments seams to pass the value to another process under same project.
if I’m correct, I was not able to add additional process.
only tried to invoke workflow xaml file
but the associated arguments are only visible under same project.

how to send and receive arguments between processes or projects?

be aware that I’m only using studio X


Publish the process and ypu need to call the process using invoke process or start job activities

For same process xamls we use invoke workflow for different processes invoke process or start job


at each process inside, do I need to run “invoke process” activity for each other?


If in every process you need to invoke another process then yes you need to


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You can create activities as well and use them
Instead of having as processes


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