How to add multiple conditions in if activity


I want to add below 3 conditions, which activity should be used?
1. If email contains ‘abc’, do this set of action
2. If email contains ‘xyz’, do this set of action
3. Else log a message, ‘no email found’

Hi @shilpashree.mohanty

You can use the Else If activity, by using this activity you can check the multiple conditions.

Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

@mkankatala, will both conditions execute if both abc and xyz emails are present?

In the same mail both abc and xyz has to be present. If it is the condition, then check the below,

- Condition -> Mail.Contains("abc") AndAlso Mail.Contains("xyz")

Hope you understand!!


My requirement is like,

the bot will run once a day
it will extract emails having subject abc and also extract emails having subject xyz
for both subjects, there will be different set of actions
will else if be used in that case?

Then I have already given the same logic in above response… @shilpashree.mohanty

Check the below workflow for better understanding,

Hope you understand!!


Give it a try on what @mkankatala explained.

You have one another option as well for this kind of situation that is Switch case.

Activities - Switch (

Ashok :slight_smile:

@shilpashree.mohanty I hope it solve your issue.
This is the best possible sotest code.

string actionMessage = email.Contains("abc")
    ? "Email contains 'abc'"
    : (email.Contains("xyz") ? "Email contains 'xyz'" : "No email found containing 'abc' or 'xyz'");
Other Common use by Developer 
if (email.Contains("abc"))
**// Do actions for email containing 'abc'**
    Console.WriteLine("Email contains 'abc'");
else if (email.Contains("xyz"))
    // Do actions for email containing 'xyz'
    Console.WriteLine("Email contains 'xyz'");
    // Log message for no matching email content
    Console.WriteLine("No email found containing 'abc' or 'xyz'");
  1. string email: This variable stores the email address you want to check. Replace your_email_here with the actual email string.
  2. if (email.Contains("abc")): The if statement checks if the email string contains the substring "abc" using the Contains method.
  • If the condition is true, the code block within the if statement executes, performing actions specific to emails containing "abc" (here, we’re just printing a message using Console.WriteLine).
  1. else if (email.Contains("xyz")): If the first condition (email.Contains("abc")) is false, the else if block checks if the email string contains "xyz" using Contains.
  • If this condition is true, the code within the else if block executes, performing actions for emails containing "xyz" (again, printing a message here).
  1. else: If neither of the previous conditions is true, the else block executes. This typically represents a case where the email doesn’t contain "abc" or "xyz".
  • Here, we’re logging a message indicating that no matching content was found.

you can use else if activity for this .
If more conditions switch activity would be better option.