How to add mail attachments in an-inhouse tool while raising tickets through API call using http request activity?

Hi Everyone,

I would like to ask a question, How to add an attachment in an inhouse tool while raising tickets through API call using http request activity ?

I have completed all the steps successfully. however attachment is now pending.

My project scenario-

  1. To read outlook mail as per the given subject lines and if it matches with the input sheet subject lines then it should raise a ticket for the same with mail attachment on an in-house tool.
  2. So, I have reached to the last steps, where I am only left with the mail attachment process.
  3. I have used http request with get method to complete the ticket raising activity.
  4. Tickets are now getting raised however I need your help to get a solution for mail attachment process.

I would be appreciated a prompt reply here !



In http request you have a attachment property …in which you can send attachments attached


Hi @Anil_G,

Could you please let me know about the steps as above suggestions didn’t work.



May I know what did you try?

And ideally you need to do a post request and not a get…what request are you using?


Hi @Anil_G

Yes, I am trying It with the post method however I am not getting the correct process to complete this as I have never done before this that’s why facing the issue.

would be thankful for the suggestions on It.



this is where you can add the attachments


Hi @Anil_G,

It didn’t work. I want to try this by using API body. if I can get some suggestions on it then It would be helped.

Thank you !



For that you need to first check how the api needs the attachment to be added



I have checked it with the team they have told me to do with API mail body.
however I have been trying it for a long, couldn’t get the correct solution.



in api body what is the key you need to provide?

you cannot guess it …they need to provide the details


Actually they have told me to convert the save mail attachments file to Convert.ToBase64String(MailFileByteArr) and pass it from API body like-
Var= fileName~attachementVarName


I have used http request with get method for ticketing and for attachments will have to use a separate http request with post and into that need to paste this converted value in body. but I cannot directly pass it, will have to assign body and convert it to html something like that…
if you are getting it then please give me some suggestions on this.



What is the body format that is needed?

Did you happen to first try this in postman?

If yes then you can use the curl and import it here


Hi @Anil_G,

I got the correct solution for this.

Thanks for your time !



it would be great if you can explain what you did or something that suggested helped…so that others also can follow


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Sure, Actually It was some internal terms which was defined by the team for the API post (for attachments)
however I would like to explain how I did it-

  1. I have used an expression to get the attachments. i.e. FileName(Variable, which has only file name with extension .eml)+“~”+BaseContentOfMail (Convert.ToBase64String(MailFileByteArr)) and put it in body under options in http request activity
  2. Method- Post
  3. Body format- multipart/form-data

Cheers !

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Yea the body format would make the difference…glad you were able to resolve


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