How to add incidents from service now to queue items & process the incidents one by one using reframework?

For eg, we have 5 incidents in service now screen. We have to extract 5 incidents & add to queue. Then we have to extract details from individual incident screen & process the first incident.Then 2nd transaction starts need to click the 2nd incident & do the same process.
Not able to click 2nd incident to process. Tried many ways giving dynamic selector to click 2nd incident.
Anyone please help and share if you have any sample workflow to understand better?

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Can you please share the selector for those elements please

Did you try using incident number in the selector? which would be unique


Number is column name
selector to click incident is



Please remove tablrerow=‘4’ from the selector


ok will remove

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In one workflow I extracted incident numbers and added to queue.

with this expression Incident=in_transactionItem.specificcontent(“Number”).tostring,not working
but if I use get text for incident number & pass that get text output variable in click activity selector then it is working for first incident.for 2nd incident it is failing


Try removing the table row on the table line as well

also check if there are any extra or special characters in the text you are extracting


tried no luck. Can you please share any sample workflow?


If you can tpovide the site…then i can …else the selector i gave on top are the samples

Can you show how you are using …may be the flow and the selectors


not possible to provide the site. Dynamic selector I passed while clicking incident


Please show the flow and the selectors



These incident numbers list should add to queue in orchestrator. Then it should click first incident & extract details from incident & process some steps in the site. After that steps, it should start 2nd transaction & should click 2nd incident & process. In incidents page processed incidents also will be there along with other incidents.


In service now you can search for the incident as well rigth …that way you can make sure the incident is found and can click.did you try that?

If that is not possible please show the selector for two different incident numbers

There we will take forward…need screenshots of ui explorer when you indicate


We can search for incident but didn’t try that way. For clicking incident1 actual selector in Uiexplorer is

after using wild cards & dynamic selector I changed like this


Can you try printing the incident_Number variable and see if it is proper

Also try indicating any other incident number and check if the selector is similar

Also better to search and click on first result always as that would be more reliable


tried searching with incident number & clicking that incident.Value is null to pass in search field.
In init all applications I extracted incidents & assigned output to ExtractDataTable.Then assigned to
I am getting output like
Numbers Sort in descending order
In process file,searching with incident number flow is given.How to pass that value in search field?


What is your transaction item?

If it is datarow then use in_transactionitem("yourincidentcolumnname").ToString


transaction item is queue item


I hope incident is added in queue then …

Please use



You should use the ServiceNow API to read Incident data into a datatable (HTTP Request activity). Then use Bulk Add Queue Items to add those records to the queue. That’s your dispatcher automation.

Then your performer automation would log into SN, and Get Transaction then browse to the Incident and process it, Get Transaction again and browse to the Incident etc.