How to add excel formula in uipath

Hi All,

I would like to add the formula from certain rows in excel and each time the number of rows will be vary, so please kindly let me know how can i achieve this .

thank you!!



Use write cell or write cell formula activity in a loop…use the loop counter as the row number

Eg: "A" + counter.ToString

In loop properties you will have index …or can use for each row in excel and define range…and inside loop use write cell or assign activity with currentrow(“ColumnName”)


Hi @vineelag ,
You can use an int32 variable to get dynamic cell index

@Anil_G @Yoichi

I do have formula for A to G row

i need to add these formulas to the rows which i gona add 10 rows some 20. the thing is i should before entering the data i need to add formula to all these rows for ex 10 row.

How can i achieve this.

Main thing how to add the rows with formulas not rows count

Thank you!!!


You can use auto fill range activity
