How to add data row under add data column

I have added New column into a excel, Under the same column I need to add the data row.

The Column name : Names (this should added into data table)
Value is : Manjunath (The value should under the Names column)

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @ManjunathReddy

Try like this

I hope you understand!!


So you have data already in other columns and now you want to populate the final additional column as well?

if so…two ways…if you already know the order just create a single column datatable fill all the rows…and then use write range

if you dont know the order…perform a lookup on the unique column and then find the row using find/replcae actiity then use write cell to write the data


Hi @ManjunathReddy

USe Read Range Workbook activity
Use Add Data column activity to add a Column
USe for each row in datatable
Assign: row(“Names”) = “Manjunath”
Write range

Hope it helps!!

It is adding all the rows in the excel



Instead of for each row, Use add datarow activity

Hope it helps!!

I have some other data if i use add data row that goes to bottom row.


Add Column

Instead of using add datarow simply use write cell activity .In for each loop you write the data to the excel incrementing the index.

In write cell assign the variable

You can try the below method, I have 4 datarows with value already there except years. In the test type i added the years 1,2,3 and 4.



Hi @ManjunathReddy ,

Could you provide us with the Input data and the Expected Output ? Where do we get the data to add to the Datatable ?

We can eliminate the confusions once this is clear and provide you with the appropriate suggestions.