How to add auto generated code on click button

Dear Team,

I want to add an autogenerated code while clicking on the save button. The auto generated code field is hidden in the filling form but it is visible in profile view page

Hi @Mandeep_Kaur
welcome to forum

it would be good if you can give some idea around the process u had doubt with pictures so we can easily understand,

Nived N
Happy Automation


Thanks for your prompt reply

we are in process to automate through excel in UI path
In employee profile we have field called employee code which is for teaching and non teaching employees, this code generates automatically when ever new profile enters and this field is hidden it is not to be filled by any one
please let me know what needs to be done

Hi @Mandeep_Kaur
do u want to extract the autogenerated code for each employees?

yes, I want to extract auto generated code