How to add a Queue item from Json in StudioX using HTTP Request activities?
Create an External application on Orchestrator with the required scopes and obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
Note: In this tutorial, an example of getting the client_credentials access_token and using it afterward in the request of adding a Queue item using the /odata/Queues/UiPathODataSvc.AddQueueItem endpoint is presented. This example can be readapted for any RestApi request endpoints for the StudioX profile.
For StudioX follow the below approach:
- From Manage Packages find and install the UiPath.WebAPI.Activities[1.21.0]
- Add HTTP Request activity from the Activities panel
- Configure the Properties panel for the HTTP Request activity as below:
AcceptFormat: ANY
Method: POST
Body: leave empty
BodyFormat: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookies: leave empty
Headers: leave empty
Result: create a variable for example named Results
grant_type: "client_credentials"
client_id: "Your Client Id from External Application"
scope: "OR.Folders OR.Robots OR.Queues"
client_secret: "Your Client Secret from External Application"
- If adding a Write Line activity and selecting the Results variable, in the end, run the process, the needed results will be obtained exactly as in the Postman Tool:
- To get the needed access token and reuse it in another activity, follow the next steps:
- Use a Write Text File activity as below:
Text: Split(Split(Results, ",")(0).ToString, ":")(1).Replace("""", "")
Write to filename: TokenFromCloud.txt
- Use a Read Text File activity as below:
Filename: TokenFromCloud.txt
In the Properties panel, save it to Output_to_from_Read_Text_File1
- For testing purposes, use a Write Line activity and select the saved variable
Text: Output_to_from_Read_Text_File1
- To add a queue item, add the JSON data in a.TXT file in the project and use a Read Text File activity:
JSON data to add a queue item:
"itemData": {
"Priority": "Normal",
"DeferDate": "2022-03-21T13:42:27.654Z",
"DueDate": "2022-03-25T13:42:27.654Z",
"Name": "TestQueue",
"Reference": "TestQueue",
"SpecificContent": {
"Email": "",
"Name": "Sample Test"
In the Read Text File in the Output to parameter create a new variable named AddQueueItemValue
- For testing purposes, add a Write Line activity to display the content of the variable AddQueueItemValue
- Add a new HTTP Request activity and configure it as below:
AcceptFormat: ANY
Endpoint: ""
Method: POST
Body: AddQueueItemValue
BodyFormat: application/json
Cookies: leave empty
X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId: "FOLDER_ID"
Content-Type: "application/json"
Authorization: "Bearer " + Output_to_from_Read_Text_File1
Parameters: leave empty
Result: Create a variable for example named ResultOfAddedQueueItem
- For testing purposes, add a Write Line activity to display the content of the variable AddQueueItemValue