How should I click the Project id from the table on web

Hello Everyone,

I need a help please ! I am new to UIPath. My scenario is -
I want to open an excel file and from that I am fetching one by one Project ID and if that Project ID is available on website then it should be clicked. Now, I am able to find that Project ID as I have done it through Send HotKey Ctrl+f and it will find the id and if it is there in my table on web then I want to click on that particular ID. But the thing is whenever I find it at that time it just highlight that ID but unable to click. Please help, if any key is there ! I tried using tab tab and ctrl + enter though not able to get it. You can check the image as I have posted. Thanks in advance.



How about add enter in the TypeInto

Hey @ddpadil,

Thanks for helping but it is not working. Actually it is not getting selected on Enter. I tried it first manually too.

Hi ,
You could use click activity and pass your variable from excel to aaname
Please find the reference link where I’m trying to click on cars name ( (Saab) using click activity.
and the selector for this. Please try to do with you target application.

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Hey @ddpadil,

Thank you so much. I stored aaname in a string and passed that string to my selector. Again thank you so much, it worked :slight_smile:

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