How I can clean the blank rows in Excel File

Hi Every one

I have Excel file and there are some empty rows how i can clean or clear that i try to do that but it is not work with me

can any one help me please

Thank you

A simple way would be to sort the worksheet so the blank rows are sorted to the bottom.

you mean sort data table?

use filter data table activity

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can tell how i can do that because i try and it is not so for all sheet

Thank you

But how i can do that for all columns ?

Do you want to remove entire row if any column value is empty?

yes i mean for example i have

           A                B           C

1 row1 row2 row3


3 row1 row2 row3


5 row1 row2 row3

so the row 2 and 4 there are no value i want to remove that

But im asking do you want to check empty values for column A or all the columns

All Column

this is the Q

Ensure to clean the blank rows in sheet_A & sheet_B

Oky. Then use this to filter for each sheet

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Hey @coder

Please use Filter Data Table activity to filter the columns which are having empty rows.
you can add multiple filter conditions to check particular value is empty or not.

please find attached image for more information.

Filter Datatable

Hope this solve your problem.


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Thank you All it is work

Thank you

Welcome @coder :slight_smile:

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