How do I write to a target row denoted by today's date? [Excel]

Hi All,

I’m trying to take information from a specific cell in one workbook and paste it into an excel sheet on a separate workbook where the rows are defined by dates. Is there a way to set up an activity so that it pastes the information beside today’s date (whatever day today happens to be)?


Hi @Hodge

Below code will solve your query and try to use the code into the Invoke code Activity

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) DateTime.Parse(x(0).ToString()).Date()= now.Date()).ToList.ForEach(Sub(a) a(1)=In_value.ToString)

Where In_Value is your read cell value
and dt is your target data table.

Shaik Najeer.

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face: Much appreciated.