How do i upload the folder to the Microsoft Azure Storage Account?

Isn’t StorageAccount and ResourceGroup the opposite?

sorry but didn’t get your point

should I write “spartandocintellstorage” in Resource Group Name ? then what data should be added in Storage account Name ?

StorageAccountName : SigmaInternal
ResourceGroup : spartandocintellstorage

resource group taking from here

Do you have connection string? As AccoutName also exists in it, can you check it?

And if possible, can you share screenshot of Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer?


Accout name is correct i have taken from Connection String

Storage Explorer

Can you try to attach to your resource using connection string?

yes i have done it but not works for me

Did you choose StorageAccount then ConnectionStgrings ?

Sorry but the following image is for Japanese language.

No worries

i have configured it using the connection string have a look in ss

now what I have to do

Can you try as the following in UiPath?

Account name : spartandocintellstorage

Resource: Blob Containers


not working facing the same error.

i have one python code that directly upload file to the azure

do you have any idea to run that script using the python

How about Python.Activities pack?

Or we might use StartProcess activity to call python.exe and the script.