How do I take input from user for how many account they want to process

I have an excel file as an input and i am not able to create a logic for taking input values from user to tell the Bot how many accounts the bot needs to process.

For example :- if I have 100 records in the excel file the user will tell the bot that it only needs to process 10 accounts today and then the bot should stop when it’s processed 10 accounts

you can use a while loop upto 10
so when bot will start it will run 10 times and it will stop.


it’s not always 10 accounts the user will decide how many account they want to process on daily basis sometimes it’s 10, sometimes 20, 50, 100 etc. i don’t know how to create logic and what condition i should give

you can use Input dialog box and make a output variable and pass it through While loop

You can follow this workflow
Sample2.xaml (10.2 KB)

I am sorry it’s still processing all the account form spreadsheet, this flow doesn’t seem to be working

Hello @Shadab_Baid
You can get the count from user using “Input dialogue” acitvity as an Integer.

Then in te for each row in the datatable, use a if condition , ( if(i<userinput), then “Delay”, else use break activity.

Where is a counter variable initialized as 1 and in the For each row activity you need to increment the value as “i=i+1”.

As we connected and Hope your issue has been resolved
Please close this Thread with appropriate Answer.


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