How do I schedule ? Need license for Orchestrator and windows Scheduler is not working

Hi All,

I was scheduling through windows scheduler. IT was working fine till 18.1.3 and I just updated the version to 18.2.3 and now scheduler is not working with t his version.

What is the solution for that ? Can we schedule through Orchestrator ? But I am not creating for production. Please provide me the solution for it.

Thanks & Regards,

Orch is the better option for scheduling, there is a community edition available for learning purpose.

I know the use of Orchestrator. The thing is, it will not work , i need to purchase. Client wants to verify it for the testing purpose and I can;t schedule it :frowning:

You can use the community edition for testing, but you need buy for production, window scheduler is not recommended & not supported by UI Path.