Are there any Activties/methods that can read number of rows/columns in a webtable, read cells of webtable,click a cell/link in the webtable ?
You can use webscraping and load the content into Datatable and get the row count.
You can user innertext property in selectors to click on any links inside the grid.
If I have a webtable with 10 rows and the 10 rows have 10 links.Let me know your thoughts
My approach - Identify webtable as table - Can be done in UiPath - yes/No
If No, whats the approach
Once webtables identified , Count no.of rows for for loop - Can be done in UiPath - yes/No
If No, whats the approach
Then use innertext to click on the link in each row.
Better use find children where the target would be selector to the table
and in the filter you can just mention
<webctrl tag='A'/>
This should give you a collection of all links in the table as a uielement.