How to delete the unwanted characters like !,`,-,. etc. from my excel rows and obtain a clean sheet?here i have attached my test excel
exceldt.xlsx (9.4 KB)
Hi @ydash999,
I think you opened this thread twice. You can remove one.
Read Excel with the readragen activity.
Convert the datatable to a string with outdatatable.
Clean up the entire result string with regex.
You can convert it back to arraylist and turn it into a datatable.
Is there any other way?
put below code in text filee e.g. vba.txt
in excel application scope call the vba function
Function removeSpecial()
Dim r As Range
Set r = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Dim cellRange As Range
For Each cellRange In r
Debug.Print "r"
cellRange.Value = FindReplaceRegex(cellRange, "([\" & Chr(34) & "<>\(\):\!\`\-\.])", "")
Next cellRange
End Function
Function FindReplaceRegex(rng As Range, reg_exp As String, replace As String)
'Dim regex As Object
Set myRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
'Set myRegExp = New RegExp
myRegExp.IgnoreCase = False
myRegExp.Global = True
myRegExp.Pattern = reg_exp
FindReplaceRegex = myRegExp.replace(rng.Value, replace)
End Function
@jack.chan shared a better solution but you will need to edit this code for possible change requests.
thankss bro! but it is getting too lengthy and much codes. is there any other way?
this does the same thing but without any VBA code
d.xaml (10.5 KB)
if you dont use regex you can also use multiple assign statements to replace the special characters e.g.
- CurrentRow(col.ColumnName) = CurrentRow(col.ColumnName).toString.replace(“<”, “”)
- CurrentRow(col.ColumnName) = CurrentRow(col.ColumnName).toString.replace(“>”, “”)
and so on …
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