How do I clear the GlobalHandlerX?

When I try to run a program and it errors, it is bringing up the GlobalHandlerX and I have no idea how to get back to my Main project.

Hi @lara.augustine ,

In studiox while executing any process if we face any errors it will navigate to the global exception handler to handle the exception.

As per the screenshot in your case please click Run button to run the flow for global exception handler at the end it will throw a popup message is having option like continue, Retry , ignore and abort.

if you click retry option it will retry the error in the place where you have received error in your flow.

if you click abort it will throw run time error and stop the execution of process.

Please refer the below link for more details on the global exception handler

if you need any more details or help please let me know. thanks


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In studio click on design tab → Project button → click on open project folder → once after opening the folder you can see Main call

Click on it and it will take you to the main file

Cheers @lara.augustine

this is a bug. what studiox version are you running?

StudioX 2020.10.9

is it possible for you to upgrade to latest studiox version?
if not, can you post the wf that gets you to the global exception handler? …or a simplified version of it

It happens with any error now.

I removed all of the packages that I could. Closed, reinstalled packages. Then deleted globalhandlerX.xaml from my project folder and now I am no longer getting the globalhandlerX for errors. Not sure if this is the right way to do it, but now I can work on the project.

after upgrade to the latest version of the studiox?

Hi @lara.augustine ,

GlobalHandlerX is the good functionality in studioX which inform us what is the error we are facing on the current work flow and provides some option to ignore or retry or continue to help you to resolve the error.

Deleting the GlobalHandlerX is not the best practice. with the help of our Forum staff please try to understand why the work flow is getting stuck at the GlobalHandlerX. thanks.

after update to latest studiox, you are trying to do a new project and still get the global exception handler?