How can we validate the invoices using uipath?

How can we validate the invoices using uipath like is it containing all the field data and is it a formatted like this? Anyone guide please.

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Buddy @balkishan

Generally invoices will be of pdf type…that would be either a native pdf or a scanned pdf…native pdf is like we can select the words as single element and scanned pdf as the name implies it is a image pdf…
Great now how to handle these two types
1.native pdf
Its very easy to handle native pdf because we have the option to select each element thus we can use get text activity to get the exact required terms like invoice no. , Address, name, item and quantity…while if you want to read the whole pdf of text format and make them as text, well you can use read pdf text where you can mention the page no which u want to read…
2. Scanned pdf
Well this can be handled with read pdf with ocr activities…yes ocr been used for image automation and it counts the same here as well…while if you have fields to take in specific you can use scrape relative that can take one field relative to another field…
If its in table format and you want to get those details from many pdf of same format…you have to use anchor base activity keeping the stable field as anchor using find text or find image activity and the dynamic one by get text activity…
But we need to make that apart from using read pdf text or read ocr pdf, whatever May be the activities been used, the pdf must be opened in foreground…

Hope this would help you buddy


@Palaniyappan Thanks so much for your reply.
I wan to know that if I have these mixed files in a folder, like native and scanned pdf in the same folder then how do we check which is Native and which is Scanned Pdf?

Buddy @balkishan

Thats really a good question…
Great…so in that case we can better use anchor base or scrape relative option, to get specific terms and if we need whole page to be read we can us read pdf ocr with full text or ocr text option enabled…
The reason is as we are not whether it would be of scanned or native we can go for ocr activities as it handle both the situation, while read pdf text can handle only native pdf…
So this makes clear buddy…

Hope this would help you buddy

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Did that make sense with your question buddy…or do we need to discuss more on it buddy…


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Bro you meant If I have mixed files in a folder in that case I should use the OCR activity, Because it will handle both the files Native as well as Scanned pdf. Is It?

One more question bro, As I asked about how can we check whether an invoices are formatted or not.

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Exactly buddy @balkishan …but make sure that you have a good count with scale option in ocr as scale of more than 6 or 7 can read the word exactly, i mean the one screen scrape wizard once after scanning…
Then coming to the second question…buddy a automation must be always made only when our process and clear picture about the type of input that we are going to get, is very clear and static…we can handle only situation only if the native gets changed to scanned or not buddy, and it’s always a good practice to know and stabilize the input we get that would make sure that automation is successful to its maximum…so buddy always make sure that we get the same format of pdf…and you can handle only the type of pdf been changed buddy, not the formated and unformatted…in double quotes
Hope this would help you be buddy


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@Palaniyappann Thanks bro :slight_smile:

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Buddy @balkishan do we need to make discuss more on it buddy or if this makes sense, kindly make solution and close this topic buddy…
Thats a great question indeed…once again



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