How can i use data scraping and select in the same ligne which information i want and where i want to put it in a excel file ?
Refer this
This may help u
hi @Soudios
assume if you searching for item of foot ball in a browser means ,
Create a Sequence . Now open a browser and go to particular site
Now search for Football Balls.
Now come back to UiPath Studio and click on Data Scraping from Design Ribbon Tab.
Now follow the Data Scraping Wizard :if you want to select multiple items means,
- Click Next to select First Item Name . Then click Next to select Second item name to form a pattern.
- Then Click on Extract Corelated Data to extract other details like Price etc.
- Finally click on Finish , to finish the wizard. You will be asked to indicate a Next button in case items are present on multiple pages.
Then come back to UiPath again, and drag an Excel Application Scope activity below Data Scraping activity. Mention the path of file
Atlast Add a Write Range activity…
Main.xaml (10.7 KB)
This example will useful for u
Cheers buddy
what activiy i need to add plz ?
Data scraping is not a activity, it is a scraping process.
Please refer the above sample process.
thank you, but this is the normal way, i want to select some words in the information scraped plz
Add dependency in ur manage pakage to rectify the above error.
Or else see this video
Right click on dependency in project panel.
And click the manage like above picture.
Update the packages . Click the blue arrow mark for update the packages.
This only for example.
Thank you my friend, i already did that, now what i want is to select some information in the scrap (Not all the information) see?
I need that :
Num 1: Colomn 1
Num 2 : Colum 2
Whant to separate the information in my excel file
anyone plz ?
@Soudios are you meant to seperate the scrapped data within the excel.
if so mean could u plz upload any snap or else some info about it.
yes how can i do that plz ?
what are the things that want to separate from the excel , could you plz share any screenshots relate with this , b’coz am not sure that wat you are actually need.
TEXT 1 : Everything before “chez”
TEXTE 2 : Text between “chez and 20XX”
TEXT 3 : Date 20XX - 20XX
@Soudios you can also separate this at during the scrapping event… aren’t you?
try to scrap each of which at separately… to obtain this just follow the above things that what am said in the 3rd post. from which you can get the data in separated format at last…