How can I search values of two columns from one Data table into another Data Table?

Hi All

Need help. Here are the details.

I have two DTables, 1- CBAP Report DT and 2- Citibank Report DT.

I need to do following in the automation.
(Sort CBAP Data by Cin Number, P-Cardholder, and Expense Line Amount
Sum total each CIN by amount) This part is done.

I need to search values of columns “Pcard Holder Name” & “Expense Line Amount” from CBAP REPORT DT to columns “Cardholder Last Name” & “Total Transaction Amount” in Citibank Report DT.
If matches, will mark off the lines in the main report as value matched with the line number of Citibank Report DT that matched.
Create a sub-report with the CBAP string required for each matched lines.
If no match, then will just say not matched and not populate anything in sub-report

This the string for Sub report (Update FDA_IBAPS_CBAP_BUDGET_LINES Set SETTLEMENT_STATUS=’ Settled’ Where request_id = ‘ < request_id > ’ and line_id = ‘ < line_id > ’:wink:

I have created a comparison logic which compare line to line in both datatables but the approach is not perfect. (848.7 KB)

I have attached zipped file of my project with input excel files and Xaml.

Thank you