Hi all,
How can copy this text for string manipulation as there are different string for every different file I open? It will be best if I can extract the portion after “/erp/prod/” from “/erp/prod/GFS/out/DBS/PSASINT3” for every file
Hi all,
@attkren1 is it Pdf file?
Read through pdf activities and then apply regex for it
If it is browser then use “Get text” activity to read it.
You can use Get Text Activity and then you can save that element text
Hope this may help you
Hi @attkren1
Use Get Text or CV Get text activity
Hi @attkren1
If it is an image
Use get text with ocr activity or cv get text activity
if not
Use get text activity.
Hi ,
I hope this will help you
Use get text activity to get the input data and store it in a variable .
Left side: extractedText
Right side: filePath.Split({“/erp/prod/”}, StringSplitOptions.None)(1)
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