How can I replace the whole sheet in Excel

I read an Excel sheet, then delete rows and finally write it back to the sheet.

Using write range only the length of the new table gets replaced and on the bottom there are still rows from the old table. Is there a way to replace a sheet as a whole (including empty rows) or is there an option like “empty sheet”?

Sheet 1
Row 1: A B C
Row 2: D E F
Row 3: G H I
Row 4: X Y Z
Sheet 2
Row 1: A B C
Row 2: D E F
Row 3: X Y Z

→ If I replace Sheet 1 with Sheet 2, I want only the values of Sheet 2 but I then see the row with X Y Z twice.


After reading excel sheet, count the no. rows has data using DataTable.Rows.count .

Then use Insert/Delete Rows activity to delete all rows.

No.of Rows: pass value from above count
Position: 1
Change Mode: Remove
Sheet Name: your sheet name.


Use ** Write Cell** activity and specify range for suppose: “A1:F500”
Value: “”

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Thanks for the reply. I’m still not getting the result I need.
In my workflow I first read the Excel table, then delete some rows and finally write it back to the Excel sheet. I would like to have the sheet to ONLY have the new values and no empty rows between them.

I found a really ugly workaround by using write cell with value “” on “A1:O6000” to clear the sheet before writing. Isn’t there something better?


Could you please share workflow personally. I will check and let you know.

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Sure, thank you. The row to delete could also be in the middle.
Sequence1.xaml (17.4 KB)
Termine.xlsx (11.9 KB)


Yes, first count the rows which contains data like: DataTableName.Rows.count and assign it to interger variable and say count.

In write cell, specify range like this: “A1:O”+count.Tostring

Let’s say the table length was first 4 rows.
Then I delete row B and write it back with a length of 3 rows. Wouldn’t that mean that I get the following?


Yes, first count the rows which contains data like: DataTableName.Rows.count and assign it to integer variable and say count. (output: 4 )

In write cell, specify range like this: “A1:O”+count.Tostring.

Then it will write empty string between all cells in range between “A1:O4”. Is it ok for you ?

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Now I get it, yes that’s better than my hardcoded solution.

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