How can i install Studio 21.10.3 in windows server 2016?

Hi everyone. I need your help.

my Uipath Studio (21.4.4) is trying to update to 21.10.3 on a windows server 2016 and i get this message: “Installation failed with error code 1625”.

i’ve tried what’s on the documentation but i can’t find what’s on the last part of the path (\Installer):


is it something about the new installer? (.msi)
does anyone knows how to solve it?


Try removing or uninstalling the old version and install the new one

I hope you would have downloaded the .msi installer file from

And windows 2016 is compatible
The version which are compatible are
2012 R2

For more details on software requirements

Cheers @huber.zelada

I downloaded the newest version from: UiPathStudio.msi
and next I updated UiPath Studio on Windows Server 2016 …
(from 21.4.5 to 21.10.3)

And everything has been done successfuly:

So it isn’t bug.

Try check this topic: Experience this error "Installation failed with error Code 1625 Please check the online documentation for possible solutions." - #6 by joshtechsolutions7

Hi everyone. I realize that I had problems with the Windows installation policies.
I solved it by applying the following steps.

I hope it is useful as it was for me

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