How can i find the Maximum Occurrence of a value in a column of a datatable

Hey, i need help in finding the Maximum Occurrence of a value in a column of a datatable

Hi @Anifowose_Temi,

Try the solution in this post:

Hi @Anifowose_Temi ,

After reading the Excel Sheet as a Datatable, say DT. You could use the Below Expression to get the Max Occurrence of the Value :



You Could also Read the Column as an Array of String/Object and Pass it to the Below Component :

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If you want to get the most occurrence values in a column, the following will help you.


dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("ColumnName").ToString).OrderBy(Function(g) g.Count).Last().First().Item("ColumnName").ToString()


dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("ColumnName").ToString).OrderBy(Function(g) g.Count).Last().Count


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Thanks. This worked

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