How can I find Text with varies value and click it

How can I find Text with varies value and click it ?
Order of my job is
1.Get account No.
2. Click on Account No. to the page , and click on tab wich the same Account No.
position of tab will be change as pics

I can get account no and click but I cann’t find text account no. to click on tab from no.2
What should I do?
Please advise and Thank you in advance.


Hi @Supakinee_Navawong_na_ayu,

Can you use Click Text Activity and set Occurrence in Properties Window?


Can you try the following steps?

  1. First, Get Account No. using Get text activity and set it to string variable (Say strAccountNumber).
    (if the value contains whitespaces, you might need to use Trim method.)
  2. Set Click activity and indicate tab which you want to click.
  3. Modify selector of the Click activity with Dynamic selector like aaname='{{strAccountNumber}}'
    Note : You might need to remove some attribute.

See also the following document.


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It still error as pic.

This is edit selector before change to dynamics

How can I fix it? Could you please advise?


Can you use Preformated Text ( </> icon ) or paste it as image?
< is recognized as html tag start character and we cannot see it.


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Sorry, Please see this pic



Thank you for sharing.

I suppose probably the element has aaname attribute. (We can check it using UiExplorer)
And ‘tab1anchor’ might change depending on its position like tab2anchor…

For now, can you try the following?

<webctrl name='tab*anchor' aaname='{{xAccount}}' tag='A' />


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@Supakinee_Navawong_na_ayu Can you open the Selector in UiExplorer and Send the Screenshot after the Element is Validated?

am I do something wrong?
Still error as pic

This is screen that I want to click by account.


Thank you.
I suppose aaname contains not only account number but also other characters.
So, can you try the following?

<webctrl aaname='*{{xAccount}}*' tag='A' />

Thank you so much for your solution and kindly.
It’s work!!!


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Dear Yoichi,
I have a problem when there are more than 3 accounts it will be click picture “>” and will shown account no in dropdraw list .
I try to select account no but it still error on pic.

Could you please advise for this issues?


Perhaps you should get the selector using UiExplorer. Your current selector contains “IMG” tag but probably it doesn’t seem necessary. (Please use F2 when get the selector)
In addition you can use click instead of click image in general in this case.


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