How can I Filter the column and clear everything that has the "-" character:



Can you share your expected output and sample data as a file?


Hey @pauloengenharia5

  1. Read the Excel data into a table using Read Range activity

  2. Iterate the table using ForEachRow activity

2a. Iterate the columns using ForEach

2aa. Add if activity to check if the value is equal to -

2ab. Use Assign activity to empty the value

Hope this helps


DT=DT.Asenumerable.Where(Function(r) Not r(Column_Name).Tostring.Trim.equals(“-”)).Copytodatatable

Hi please use these steps.
1-use read range and store excel in DT1
2-user filter datatable activity
3- In filter datatable give input datatable DT1 and in output datatable its depend on you can give DT1 or another on.
4. Mark remove in filter wizard
5-put condition
column name then select condition contains “-”


Hello @pauloengenharia5
Kindly check the XAML file attached here. (95.7 KB)
1.RemoveDataSymbol.xaml Contains the flow which replace"-" from the value
2. RemoveDataSymbol.Xaml Contains flow for empty the cell value which contains “-”

If there is any changes in output required let me know.

Gokul Jai