How can i extract specific text from email body?

Hey, i wanted to extract few texts from the email body and to pass it to another function. Using regex is quite tricky because the email body is not always of a specific length.

Example Email

Text to extract
impact, start time, product name, affected service

p.s.- The bottom table can have more than one value.

@saumitra.tiwari just help me with the text output of this
will try extract all your details

Wanted to get impact, start time, product name, affected service as an output.


Email body text so that i can extract it.

try to read the email as html and then extract using regex
vba can easily extract those values, create a macro and invoke it.



P1 - Issue Status Update

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
[Issue Status Update]




Dear Customer,

As previously reported, we identified a degradation affecting your service.

Impact Prior to Resolution: In the North America, EMEA, and Concur Cloud for Public Sector Data Centers, Travel searches using the Sabre GDS service are 20% below expected level. Affected users may experience an error message “We encountered an issue which prevented us from completing your request” after clicking the Search button. To check if your company is affected by this incident please log onto the Personalized Concur Open website.

Start Time: 06:22 UTC on 21 May 2021

Status Update: The Incident Response Team has engaged our GDS vendor Sabre and confirmed there is an outage on the Sabre side. We are investigating the issue with Sabre. Our next scheduled update will be in one hour or sooner should a significant change occur.

We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue. We will keep you updated until the issue is resolved.
Product Name
Affected Service
SAP Concur


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can you please provide me with an example? As i am very new to RPA

I am not able to understand from where we have to extract the data

Start Time, Status Update, Impact Prior to Resolution. This is present after text “Dear customer”
