How can i create a excel file from data scraping
Once you used Data Scraping, you have an OutPut as a DataTable, so after doing so, you add Excel Application Scope, inside you add Write Range and you give it your DataTable…
How can i chose the name i want for my excel file plz ?
Like this
not the sheet, the excel file
Ah, sorry! You can change it on the Excel Scope…, you can even make it dynamic, using a variable or argument… For example : “C:\Users\” +varName+ “.xslx”
oh yes thank you, but can i add the varname + date of today
Yes, you can do what ever you want ! Give it a try and get back to me…
my data scraping doesnt stop, where can i change the settings ?
There’s two ways to do so
After used DataScraping, you can click on it and go to Properties, change the number of results you want to get…
Or, while using DataScraping, it will ask you the number of results that you want to get…
What i want is, when all the pages are done, the data scraping finish, is it possible ?
It stops automaticaly, when there no more results to get, or it reached it’s max number or results asked to get…
for me it doesnt stop, i think its because it doesnt clik on the good button, how can i use the anchor plz ?
i need to click on this button :
But i have also this button on the same page
Share the Selector, of that Arrow button…
I think the problem comes from the title, do a quick check change page and check the selector, so that you can see what changes?
Give me more details please
i understood, the problem is the number of resut, if the pages is less than 100 it will continue until the 100
but it will not stop automaticaly, so how i can resolve this plz ?