How can I Copy file from master to required folder


In the Project folder, I have a master Snow template under the Master template folder which I need to copy every day in my process and rename with Today date and place the file in the ticket folder under Project_Files


Use Copy File activity and mention From and To as below. Here, we can mention Relevant file path as both input and output files resides inside project folder.

From: “Data\Master Template\SnowTicketTemplate.csv”

To: “Data\Project_Files\Tickets\SnowTicket_”+Now.ToString(“ddMMyyyy”)+“.CSV”

Hi @shashank_dullu

You can use copy file Activity and mention source and destination path

From: “Data\Master Template\SnowTicketTemplate.csv”

To: “Data\Project_Files\Tickets\SnowTicket_”+Now.ToString(“ddMMyyyyhhmm”)+“.CSV”

Also there will be an option called overwrite

If you check it, existing file will be over written if it’s of same name( basically if you want to run this sequence more than once , I better recommend you to use hour and minutes time stamp

So this would be a dynamic path right post-deployment I don’t have to do any changes to it path ???

So this would be a dynamic path right post-deployment I don’t have to do any changes to its path ???


Yes you no need to change the path as it is inside the project folder.

Yes exactly as @lakshman mentioned u can deploy,

But make sure u add ddMMyyyyHHmm ( hours and minutes too) if it all ur process runs more than once in a day

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