How can I automictically change files that contain values that is in dictionary

@superpunchypp ,

This is simply because the Excel sheet has spaces at the end of its keys, so it was not able to recognise, adding a Trim method as shown in the Previous screenshot on the Key should be able to resolve it.

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@superpunchypp ,

Apologies. I might have used a previous workflow. You could use Remove Unused Variables option from the top ribbon to remove the unused variables, so that you should have a clear idea.

Path.Combine() - It is a method used to generate a Directory Path or Location Path. It combines Individual Folders/Sub Folders to a Single Path.

Environment.CurrentDirectory - Gets us the Current Directory Folder Path

CurrentFile.Name - It is the iterative variable from For Each File in Folder activity which provides us a FileInfo type variable, which we can then use to get its different properties of the file such Name, FullName, Directory etc.

A Self-Learning could be done by first Understanding the Debugging methods, by Debugging we can investigate each step expression or action and then understand also the syntax of each expression. So, would suggest to also check on the below post :

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May i know how do i change the output docx to pdf

@superpunchypp ,

I believe your initial requirement as stated was solved. For this new requirement, we would ask you to create another Topic, so that we can keep this topic only closely referenced to the Initial Topic mentioned.

However, do check the activities present, the Word activities package offers itself the Save Document as PDF, which we could use for the conversion.

Do create new topic if any further discussion on the Conversion to PDF if necessary.

Also, If the Initial Query was solved, would request you to close the Topic.

Any updates on the two questions related to previous?

@superpunchypp ,

I believe there are multiple topics on the same question, we would ask you to close the topic as it does seem to have solved your query :