I need to make a window as active one to perform click actions/send hotkey when the screen is locked. I have tried “Activate” but it always gives me timeout error
You should normally be able to perform those actions using Simulate Click and a proper selector. See here for more reference:
Hi @loginerror Thanks for your prompt reply.
My Click actions (simulate click) only work when I activate that window. Hence I need to be able to activate that window for my workflow. Is there anyway where the robot opens the applications and makes it the active window while the screen is locked?
I need to activate this window.
Thank you very much!
Could you please provide some extra time/delay then run and see?
Are you using orchestrator?
Side note, but maybe a solution. Do you run your robot as administrator? It seems that you can only capture the selector to system apps with high enough privileges.
If I try it on my machine with UiExplorer, the selector is not displayed unless I launched my Studio as an administrator.