Instead of using click, I’m using the send hotkey instead and somehow it press the “enter” key but it took more than 30 seconds to click. I tried to find solution and using the one I found here :
When you click on the save button, a popup opens and you have to press the ok button as far as I understand.
While doing this, you can put an element exist to see if the popup came first instead of the parallel activity, and then you can use a send hotkey or click activity.
Introduce the direct popup, not the trigger. Here it checks if the window is opened and if it does it sends a hotkey. Or maybe it’s better to click activity if it can be selected.
Thank you it really works !! What’s the different between hardware event and simulate thou? And should I enable hardware events everytime I use selector?
Simulate is more accurate than HardwareEvent etc because it checks (waits) response of action.
However, if the response isn’t returned, it will wait until timeout. One of solutions is to use Parallel, but it doesn’t seem the above works.
On the other hand, HardwareEvent do just Click on the target element. It means we cannot know if it succeeded.
So if you use HardwareEvent, I recommend to use RetryScope and ElementExists(Check AppState) to know the clicking is success. (if it failed, retry)
The answer has been given. Adding a control here that will allow you to perform the action will bring you to the same time. More important than speed, especially in UI automation, is correct work.