Hot keys to Excel

Hi All,
I have to convert a number (stored as a string) in an excel cell, the correct hot keys combination should be Alt+Shift+F10+C but to start with a simple test I tried to transform in bold the cell (Crl+B)
here the picture, if you need I can upload the xaml

hot-keys.xaml (5.6 KB)

unfortunately, it doesn’t work also the simple test :frowning:
any ideas why ?

Many Thanks

Hi @Sax72

Try type into activity and remove the selector
Same for send hot key

Hi Ashwin, thanks for your suggestion, actually with type into activity I have been able to make bold the cell with the following syntax “[d(ctrl)]b[u(ctrl)]” but if I use the drop down menu doesn’t work…
my goal is to send the following combination: alt+shift+F10+C I tried the same syntax and I produced the following string “[d(alt)][d(shift)][d(f10)]c[u(alt)][u(shift)][u(f10)]” but doesn’t work.
do you know where I can find more information about how to write syntax.

Many thanks

Hi @Sax72

Remove the selector and check


done…bot doesn’t work :frowning:
Following the xaml and the xlsx fiile…

:hot-keys.xaml (5.6 KB) cambio.xlsx (9.0 KB)


You can use send hotkey Ctrl+g for select cell and use click to select convert to number.

Please see attachment
hot-keys.xaml (8.2 KB)

Great !!!

many thanks
it works :slight_smile:

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