Hi In my Ui Path studio CE addtion Web Scrapping option is not showing.Please help

Hi In my Ui Path studio CE addtion Web Scrapping option is not showing.Please help

I am getting “This control does not support extraction” message while using data scrapping as there is no option for web scrapping in ui path community edition

Which browser are you using ?
In case you using chrome then please install chrome extension for uipath .
Please refer below .

internet explorer

Did you try with chrome if not then follow up this for IE

What version you are using? and what control you are indication… will you let me know ? @viveksri06

Internet explorer 11 i am using and i am trying to use data scrapping tool…

while using chrome i am getting error related to COM component.Please see the attached

Well that seems microsft edge. Well saw many are facing problem with this browser version. @badita

Hi @viveksri06

Please check if you have minimum the .net framework 4.6 on your machine:

Start menu → Run → regedit.exe
In the registry editor go to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full

You should be able to see something like this:

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now everything is working as expected …thanks