I am trying to add my string into the Search expression
in the google find files and folders
this is what I have so long
“name contains” + ’ + email.Date +’
I want it to use the email.date to look for the folders in google drive
I am trying to add my string into the Search expression
in the google find files and folders
this is what I have so long
“name contains” + ’ + email.Date +’
I want it to use the email.date to look for the folders in google drive
Hi Peter,
Can you try using the below syntax to search for the Folder name ?
“name contains '”+ str_FolderName+“'”
thanks for the reply
do you think this can work some how ?
“name contains '”+ email.Date +“’”
What does the variable “email” contains ? Can you just show the workflow once, please ?
ok so extract the gmails and made a string
Here I make folders using the emails date with email.Date
that was my workflow before
this is the workflow I want now
now I am trying to make a if statement that looks if the folder exist in google drive by using the
the string from find files or folders by using the email.Date string as a filter
does this make sense?
or is there another easier way to this ?
I just want google drive to not make double folders every time I run it
I think this is the right way to do that. Is it working now ?
no still not working
“name contains '”+ email.Date +“’”
so this is right?
or maybe something like
“name contains”+email.Date.Tostring
@Peter_Jenkinson - It doesn’t work that way(just from my learning experience, I may be wrong)…I setup a input dialogue to get the file name and tried to pass it…nothing worked ) …Below is the format, your search text should be with in the single quotes…
Please refer this…
yeah its hard to get right, still lookin into it
is there a way to maybe search for files in a folder?
Main.xaml (12.5 KB)
Can you try to use this xaml ? For me this was working.
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