Hi, Bot Masters ! I want to automate excel with computer vision...how?

Hi Scenario is that 1) I have excel file which has 400 records.

  1. I want to get records 1 to 20 (whatever visible on screen) store in dt then,
  2. scroll down again get records 21 to 40 ( visible on screen) add in dt
    likewise for 400 records then ,
    write dt which has now 400 records, in new excel file

without using read range ,
using computer vision,


Hi @Sanket_Shinde1

You can use the CV Screenscope inside that you can use the CV Extract table which will give you the output in datatable format. Indicate excel & table in both of these activties. You can make it scrollable table which is easy to extract data.

if you want only 20 rows at a time then you can use these activities in loop to extract 20 rows at a time & use merge table with it.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Hi, its work but its get scrolling after the data is over.
I want to scroll until data is present in excel, once the empty rows start
it will should stop the scrolling down ,
how to do this dynamically?

Thanks AJ_Ask

Make the scrollable table property true.

but it keeps scrolling until 4000 rows of excel , I have only 400 rows of records,
once bot reached till 400 th of row then it should stop.