Hey I'm back! How to Attach Window 'saplogon.exe SAP'

If I minimized my SAP.
I can not use Call Transaction Activity.
error:Could not find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
How to make it maxmize.

Hi @jmy ,

Have you tried the Maximize Window activity https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/maximize-window ?

Best regards,

It dosen’t work.
By the way,is in SAP client, not in web.

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Hi @jmy ,

Maximize Window activity works no matter if there is a web or a desktop application (such as SAP).

However in order to properly work you have to use an Attach Window activity https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/window-scope, and afterwards to use (within the Attach Windows activity) the Maximize Window activity.

Hope this helps
Best regards,

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use Attach browser for that Tab and use Maximize window.


Hello Jimmy,
try Attach Window activity with Restore Window activity.


In my case it opens the minimized SAP session.

Best regards

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thanks for your reply.
but now what the matter is the “attach window” activity doesn’t work.


Please, take a look at your selector.


The app and cls are always correct, but the title can differ, so use wildcards.

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The issue is not in the screen size. Check the solution from @StefanSchnell

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