Help understanding sharepoint activity (Get List Item)

I hope you guys can help me solve a problem. I need simply to download items from a sharepoint list to a csv file.

I have no problem connecting to the sharepoint list but when I run the automation it only opens the sharepoint site and nothing stores in the csv file, it doesnt even get changed in any way.

I have done the following:


I have as I said no problem reaching the sharepoint, but the csv just doenst change in anyway.
Running the sequence only opens the sharepoint site and nothing happens until I stopp the it.

SPdt is a Item(DataTable)

Sorry if is a stupid mistake I just could not figure it out on my own and I havent found the answer either. Thanks!

Hi @danilo.arias.sanchez,

Welcome to the community!

Although the library on connect for SharePoint is good for development purposes, I would avoid using it in production environments. It is not an official Uipath library.

I suggest you rather write a powershell script yourself to get list items from SharePoint. It takes a little longer to develop, but much faster and you can design all the exception handling yourself. Mainly, you don’t have to look for documentation of that library, which I know is not complete.

We first thought of using the library you are using as well, but after trying it out we realized it’s best to do it ourselves using Powershell that way we could design the function ourselves and if something did not work, we did not have to lose robot time.

Two resources to get you started



We currently use a Powershell script to add items to a SharePoint list.

Hi, Thanks a lot for a very proffessional and usefull answer :slight_smile: , I will then move forward.


Is there an option not with powershell? that is way beyond my technical expertise and I need to get all sharepoint library items