Help Help Help, the certification make me CRAZY!

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when I taking the practical exam at certification, it shows me the error:
check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,
check for renaming activities 1,
check for renaming activities 2,
check for excel appendrange configuration,
check for correct target selector 1,
check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,
check usage of transactiondata,
check for correct usage of transactiondata,
check against using hardcoded values 2,
check using correct city values

the attachment is my program. Because the tips only point out the name, and didn’t mention which xaml, which activity or something like that, I don’t know how I wrong, what my wrong, can someone help me ? thank you very much !!!

Hi, I am going through yothe file that you sent, mean while can you try debugging the workflow and you will get to know where the error is.

Pavan H

Hi @seiya.z.shen

Can you remove your attachment from the post.
It is not allowed in the forum to attach assignment files.

Karthik Byggari



Karthik Byggari,

Sorry for that, I will pay attention. But Could you please help to check ,what is my fault ? many thanks.



Dear Pavan,

I think the most important is, I need to understand what’s the reason for below:

check config file - config.xlsx for extra configurations for acme_url and acme_credential,

check for renaming activities 1,

check for renaming activities 2,

check for excel appendrange configuration,

check for correct target selector 1,

check for correct usage of items from the transactionitem 1 ,

check usage of transactiondata,

check for correct usage of transactiondata,

check against using hardcoded values 2,

check using correct city values

actually, I don’t know which activities 1,2 stand for, transaction item stand for, append range configuration stand for …… thanks.



These don’t refer to specific activities, but to the grading scheme.
So f.e.

Refers to proficiency level 1 in the grading scheme for activity naming.

@loginerror - these topics are a plenty and people don’t seem to know what’s wrong. Do you think that it could be made clearer in the cert platform? Preferably where the result feedback is given (add an example maybe?).

Dear Andrzej,

Exactly agree with your view point, I am a more than 10 years’ experience programmer, and I believe about the naming convention, is not a very fixed title, but as long as we can
describe clear what is the activity doing, that is ok. This naming exam point, should be necessary but not mandatory.

Especially we are not the new joiner at Uipath, the exam more should focus on the logic and optimize of the program. Since that it call ‘advance developer’.



via UiPath Community Forum

There is indeed some space for improvement in the evaluation procedure (especially for edge cases when one would think all is well and would expect a human-agent to double check it).

Our Academy team is aware of the issues and is working on the solution (a general answer, I know, but the only one I can give right now).

can’t agree more!